How Creativity is being strangled by the Law - Lawrence Lessig
This is Lawrence Lessig's TED presentation,
On "How creativity is being strangled by the law." Lawrence Lessig is Professor of Law at Stanford law school and founder of the Creative Commons Movement.
Information revolution - Automaton Overture by GlobalMantra
This music is a piece from the multimedia show "Automaton". I composed the music, for which I won the Chapman Tripp Sound Designer of the Year Award.
I made this video for fun, I hope you like it.
Find more videos like this on Classroom 2.0
Gavin's Remix on Remix!
This is my version of what Larry Lessig had to say about copyright and the internet, as well ideas about Remix Culture and the theories of Eisenstein. Acknowledgements to Mike Jones, Don Tapscott, Lev Manovich & Larry Lessig.
Shift Happens - Gavin's Remix
This video is actually my remix video made from a slideshow on originally created by Karl Fisch, acknowledgement goes to "Elephant (Dub Mix)" brilliant music by Spiral System from Zen Connection 4, see
Since he showed this presentation to a group of students in 2006, this has been viewed in various forms by over 5 million people.
Ray Kurzweil on "I've got a Secret" 1963
Ray Kurzweil appeared on this TV show as a very young man in 1963. His secret was that the piano piece he played had been composed by his computer. Even in 1963, he was 30 years ahead of his time! He went on to invent the first digital synthesizer with Stevie Wonder in the early 1980's.
Animation and the Eye - Winner Victoria State Science Talent Search Video 2003 Australia
Are We Still the United States?
I just finished reading Yuval Noah Harari’s book (2024) Nexus (and Audrey
Watters would definitely like the cover!). Harari challenged both
optimistic and ...
Platform: A Tapestry of Meanings and Metaphors
A new book chapter by Anne Helmond and Fernando van der Vlist in Digital
Media Metaphors (edited by Johan Farkas and Marcus Maloney),
How to Choose a Dildo in India
Google Trend says, searches for Dildos in India is gaining at a significant
pace. There has been incline in the demand of the sex toys since last
decade, a...
If there is anyone out there who is still subscribed to this blog via RSS,
which may be unlikely given the dearth of posts in the last year or two,
this is...
Setting Up Effective Group Work
Truly collaborative group work is complex and messy, so we have a few tips
and tools to get students working interdependently.
Starting again
Venturing once more into the world of blogging, lets see where it goes this
time. What can you expect here? Well pretty much anything that falls out of
my ...
Google April Fools' Day 2017
April Fools' Day should probably be called Google Fools' Day, since there
are so many Google hoaxes.
Google Japan developed a "bubble wrap" version of the ...
EdMondo_Lezioni Benassi
Lezioni di Andrea Benassi
Eleonora Porta
Boxing Cleverer
What makes a sport popular - then not? A chat broke out on Twitter. One of
those chats that tells you that Twitter can be a terrible place to chat. So
An invitation to #ComedyFest (BYOB)
This week Twitter is turning into a comedy club, and you’ve got the best
seats in the house, all for the price of free. We’re not saying that
enjoying your...
DCS Focus Group
Read the poem The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.
Look up word definition from for the following words:
- diverged
- undergrowt...
The English Teacher wishes you a prosperous 2009! As tradition wants it,
something new. I am glad to announce my makeover, after weeks of switching
and swa...
This blog's moving home!
After more than two years and 1127 posts, the technology blog is moving
home. We're merging with Short Sharp Science, a blog for everything New
Scientist c...
I'm crap at multitasking.
OK so I admit it, this blog has been much neglected for a while and is
becoming a little cross threaded with different stuff. Both quite good
reflections o...
WoW! I have finally done it, lol! I started, I went out of town, I had a
family emergency, I had to work, I almost didn't finish, but I did it! I
have lear...
SNS Ethnography: by Traci Prater
As the semester draws to a close, one looks back at the main focus of the
class which was to look at education, technology and culture. As I stated
in a p...
(Un)Reliability of Wikipedia
I came across this great lesson idea on and had to share
it. This lesson has
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